There are easy sales, then there are the ones which require a lot of work, however these are the ones which you always get the most satisfaction from when you get it over the line. The Former Ancient Mariner Hotel in Bognor Regis, West Sussex is one of those!
Having discussed the best disposal route for the building, we advised our client to go to auction with this property, in order to secure a sale quickly. Having conducted an initial marketing period we received several offers and in turn secured a purchaser, well in excess of the £550,000 guide price. The sale proceeded to exchange, however a title registration issue meant this was conditional.
Over the course of a period of almost three months, Justin Thompson of Thompson Allen Solicitors worked tirelessly for our client to get the title approved for registration, an Everest of a task with the back log at land registry, but we got there and the sale has now completed!
If you have property which you are looking to sell and would like some professional advice on price and the best sale route, please get in touch to discuss how Newlands Property can assist you.
Tel: 01273-779777 / 07725-723021